What is Mad Tea Lab?
Mad Tea Lab:
- Is an “Interactive Programming” environment
- Is nice for prototyping dsp and synthesis algorithms
- Is just a single html file (with javascript), if you want to expand it, just save it locally.
- Has examples, which might be more fun than reading here.
- Gives you fast access to javascript, html, math and graphics
- Is pretty old by now (began in 2004), and the code is terrible.
- Was created using a highly underrated development methodology called “scope creeping“
- Involves heavy use of innerHTML and eval()
- Is a web application that runs locally on your machine
- Can convert your lab session to an URL that you can bookmark or send
- Can reverse its flow to be used as a interactive solver
- Can do gamma corrected anti-aliasing
- Can also do interactive base conversion!
- Can Serve as recreational fun. For nerds.
- Has intentionally undocumented features
- Might have unintentionally undocumented features